Products Comparison

Name Lite Max Pro
IP Address From / To Yes Yes Yes
Country Code Yes Yes Yes
Country Yes Yes Yes
Continent Code Yes Yes Yes
Continent Yes Yes Yes
Time Zone Yes Yes
Owner Yes Yes
Region Code Yes Yes
Region Yes Yes
County Yes Yes
City Yes Yes
Latitude / Longitude Yes Yes
Postal Code Yes
Area Code Yes
Metro Code Yes
Wordlocations db Yes
1 year free updates Yes Yes Yes

IPligence Lite

October 2024 update!

An IP location database solution to detect the country and continent of the visitor connection based on their IP Address. Includes 12 month updates at no extra cost.

$39 USD

(Instant download)



One license per server, no cpu limit license.

This includes 1-Year full updates. (Other currencies available at checkout)


Total database number of line records:
Database size uncompressed:
8.946.941 Bytes
Compressed size:
1.289.775 Bytes
MD5 checksum:

Database fields example:

Number Name Type Description
1 IP_FROM ip-address First IP Address in Netblock
2 IP_TO ip-address Last IP Address in Netblock
3 COUNTRY_CODE location Two characters country code based on ISO 3166
4 COUNTRY_NAME location Country name based on ISO 3166
5 CONTINENT_CODE location Two characters continent code based on ISO 3166
6 CONTINENT_NAME location Continent name based on ISO 3166

IPligence Max

October 2024 update!

A powerful solution providing the following information about IP Addresses: Owner or internet provider, exact latitude and longitude, time zone, city, region, country and continent of the visitor connection. Includes 12 month updates at no extra cost.

$199 USD

(Instant download)

» IPligence Max Description


One license per server, no cpu limit license.

This includes 1-Year full updates. (Other currencies available at checkout)


Total database number of line records:
Database size uncompressed:
294.844.439 Bytes
Compressed size:
37.325.262 Bytes
MD5 checksum:

Database fields example:

Number Name Type Description
1 IP_FROM ip-address First IP Address in Netblock
2 IP_TO ip-address Last IP Address in Netblock
3 COUNTRY_CODE location Two characters country code based on ISO 3166
4 COUNTRY_NAME location Country name based on ISO 3166
5 CONTINENT_CODE location Two characters continent code based on ISO 3166
6 CONTINENT_NAME location Continent name based on ISO 3166
7 TIME_ZONE time-zone Time Zone
8 REGION_CODE location Two characters region or state code
9 REGION_NAME location Region or State name
10 OWNER text Company owner or Internet Service Provider
11 CITY_NAME location City Name
12 COUNTY_NAME location County Name
13 LATITUDE location City Latitude
14 LONGITUDE location City Longitude

IPligence Pro

October 2024 update!

This is our complete solution providing the following information about IP Addresses: Owner or internet provider, exact latitude and longitude, time zone, city, postal code, area and metro code, region, country and continent of the visitor connection. Includes 12 month updates at no extra cost.

$299 USD

(Instant download)

» IPligence Pro Description


One license per server, no cpu limit license.

This includes 1-Year full updates. (Other native currencies available at the checkout area)

This includes in the price a complete extra database of Worldwide cities and Worldwide cities Latittude and Longitude.


Total database number of line records:
Database size uncompressed:
322.578.260 Bytes
Compressed size:
40.973.055 Bytes
MD5 checksum:

Database fields example:

Number Name Type Description
1 IP_FROM ip-address First IP Address in Netblock
2 IP_TO ip-address Last IP Address in Netblock
3 COUNTRY_CODE location Two characters country code based on ISO 3166
4 COUNTRY_NAME location Country name based on ISO 3166
5 CONTINENT_CODE location Two characters continent code based on ISO 3166
6 CONTINENT_NAME location Continent name based on ISO 3166
7 TIME_ZONE time-zone Time Zone
8 REGION_CODE location Two characters region or state code
9 REGION_NAME location Region or State name
10 OWNER text Company owner or Internet Service Provider
11 CITY_NAME location City Name
12 COUNTY_NAME location County Name
13 POST_CODE location Postal Code
14 AREA_CODE location Area Code
15 METRO_CODE location Metro Code
16 LATITUDE location City Latitude
17 LONGITUDE location City Longitude

Return policy
If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, within 30 days from the purchase date, we will fully refund the cost of your order.

Secure Payment:

Payment Methods

We are proud to power clients such as:

  • Star Alliance
  • HSBC
  • Opera
  • AVG
  • Sandia National Laboratories
  • Three
  • UBS
  • University Of Oxford